About Fixing Fences

I've been "fixing fences" of one kind or another my entire life....so when I started this small business that name just "fit". I had horses (and cows and a pig) growing up.  When I was a kid, I would come home from school, check the paddock, take a headcount, see who was missing, find them, bring them back & fix the fence where they got through. Pepper the Appaloosa was quite a Houdini!

Throughout my life, I was still fixing.... motherhood, corporate life and now digital designs with a storefront. Every design I make is original, if you see it somewhere else, I am 100% confident it was here first.

Horses were my first love and most of my designs are for young girls who love horses. Horses have taught me so much, they made me who I am today. Creating these designs reminds me of some of the greatest times of my life - horses I've known and friends I made.

I also make designs that honor and celebrate America, because I love America.

Other designs come from inspiration I see in this beautiful world around me, and it makes me genuinely happy to create them.

I hope you enjoy my designs as much as I enjoy making them. 


Kim AKA Fixin'